Engaging Others Across Differences

One challenging part of being human is engaging others across differences. We want to treat each other better, yet we demonize, other, and dehumanize those who are different from us. Indeed, we should never tolerate harm or abuse - but how often do we react rather than respond out of mere discomfort?

Each of us has an inner polarizer, that part of us that reacts to what makes us feel uncomfortable. This part resorts to stereotypes, blaming, and dehumanizing in order to make itself feel better. But what if there was a better way?

One tool to help this part of you is to approach it with warmth and curiosity. Don’t judge it, but do ask it why it’s reacting that way. What is it afraid of? What are its hopes? Is it willing to take a step back for a moment in order to hear the other person?

Give this a try - it just might change the way you engage others who are different from you.

Gary Conachan

Based in Portland, Oregon. FaithfullyLGBT.


Loving You, Loving Me


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