Sexuality’s Invitation

Sexuality can be many things. It can be a daily practice, a ritual, a way of connecting with ourselves. It can be embodiment, a break from the monotony and labor of thinking, feeling, and dissociating. It can be play, a return to our child self, perhaps lost to adulthood or exiled from our psyches.

As a ritual, it invites us to feel, to touch, to offer ourselves love and affection. It invites us to heal, massaging our aches and pains, or to forget about them for a while.

As embodiment, it can give our hearts and our minds a much needed reprieve. Drawing attention to what we physically feel and what brings us pleasure, nothing else matters but that moment. That sensation. That ecstasy.

As play, it reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously. Life is meant to be enjoyed; pleasure is part of the human experience. Bodies make funny sounds, do silly things, and are able to do extraordinary things. Often, we don’t take the time, make the space, or remain open enough to find them.

Whatever sexuality is or means to you, there’s an invitation being extended to you. What does your body enjoy? Where does your curiosity lead you? In what ways might you reconnect to yourself, your body, or your sex? See where that invitation takes you. You only have to be curious and willing.

Gary Conachan

Based in Portland, Oregon. FaithfullyLGBT.

Engaging Others Across Differences


Sex as Connection