When to Let Go
Do you have a hard time letting go of situations, people, or relationships that repeatedly stress you out, or even harm you?
Loving You, Loving Me
We often talk about how boundaries are how we respond in order to protect ourselves, but we sometimes neglect mentioning the benefits to our relationships.
Engaging Others Across Differences
Each of us has an inner polarizer, that part of us that resorts to stereotypes, blaming, and dehumanizing in order to make itself feel better. But what if there was a better way?
Sexuality’s Invitation
Sexuality can be many things. It can be a daily practice, a ritual, a way of connecting with ourselves. It can be embodiment, a break from the monotony and labor of thinking, feeling, and dissociating. It can be play, a return to our child self, perhaps lost to adulthood or exiled from our psyches.
Sex as Connection
Sexuality is a gift, a good and beautiful thing. It’s an opportunity for us to connect with others, something greater than ourselves (God, nature, the universe, and so forth), and indeed, ourselves.
Body as Connection
Beyond that which is physical, there are tugs and pulls calling us to something deeper.
The Act of Remembering
There are times we want to move forward, but I don’t think that means letting go of the past.
Nourishing Your Body
Many of us carry shame, trauma, and a variety of other feelings about food and nourishing our bodies. Even if we are able to deconstruct all the “shoulds” of the powers that be, how do we reconstruct a healthy relationship between our bodies and what we consume?
When Anxiety Goes Awry
Our anxiety, along with how it manifests in our bodies, is trying to get us to pay attention to something important.
Coming Out, or Letting In?
Anyone who’s come out knows how liberating it can be. But is coming out, as we’ve come to know and define it, necessary?
Dreams, Fantasies & Thoughts
Dreams, fantasies, thoughts – why do they occur, and what do they mean?
Choosing the Right Therapist
It can feel near impossible to find the ideal therapist for you. Learning about what makes therapy effective, however, may change your mind – and make your search a bit easier.
The Pressure to Label Your Identity
Folks may question your identity as a queer person. These pressures and judgments feel awful. So how do we deal with them?