Loving You, Loving Me

“Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” (Prentis Hemphill)

I’ll never forget the first time I heard this quote. Brené Brown cited it on her podcast, Unlocking Us. It was early in the COVID-19 pandemic, I was dealing with some challenging family dynamics, and it shook me to my core.

We often talk about how boundaries are how we respond in order to protect ourselves, but we sometimes neglect mentioning the benefits to our relationships. Boundaries can be anything from saying “no,” refusing to discuss certain topics, or leaving the room if someone makes you feel uncomfortable. They protect us and our well-being, which in turn makes relationship (if desired) possible.

Sometimes, it’s not healthy or feasible to continue in relationship with someone, and that’s okay too. Whatever you decide, give yourself permission to do what you need to do for you. There’s no right or wrong; you can’t fail. If anything, you’ll learn from it, grow, and ultimately find more peace in your life.

Gary Conachan

Based in Portland, Oregon. FaithfullyLGBT.


When to Let Go


Engaging Others Across Differences